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Table 2 Bone health status of the individual based on their MDRD status

From: Association of age-related declined renal function and osteoporosis based on trabecular bone score in Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program


eGFR = 45–60

eGFR > 60


Neck of femur BMD mean (SD) gr/cm2

0.614 ± 0.134

0.661 ± 0.141

< 0.0001

Lumbar BMD mean (SD) gr/cm2

0.838 ± 0.160

0.893 ± 0.180

< 0.0001

TBS (L1-L4) mean (SD)

1.259 ± 0.102

1.298 ± 0.103

< 0.0001