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Table 6 Association of baseline proton pump inhibitor use and change in glomerular filtration rate estimated by mixed-effect linear regression. ELSA-Brasil (N = 13,919)

From: Kidney function decline associated with proton pump inhibitors: results from the ELSA-Brasil cohort


Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)

β (95%CI)


122.347 (120.887 ; 123.807)*

Use of PPI

8.748 (4.258 ; 13.238)*


-0.749 (-0.774 ; -0.723)*

Use of PPI x Age†

-0.165 (-0.246 ; -0.084)*

  1. * β; p < 0.05.
  2. † Age (age at baseline + segment time) was modeled as a random effect to index time.
  3. Final model adjusted for: age†, sex, per capita household income, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, NSAIDs, ARBs and ACEs use.