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Table 1 FCEP implemented for HPs with hyperphosphatemia

From: Family-centered empowerment approach to optimize phosphate management among hemodialysis patients: an experimental study






Introduction to the researcher and research objectives

Introduction to chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis, and hyperphosphatemia

- Introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the kidney

- Kidney failure and its consequences

- Treatment of kidney failure

- Hemodialysis and its complications

- Caring for vascular access and catheter site

- The incidence of hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients; optimal range for serum phosphate

- Symptoms of hyperphosphatemia

- Effects of hyperphosphatemia on bone, joints and other organs

Active participation in learning


Review of the contents by FCGs at home


Learning how to control hyperphosphatemia through diet and medication


- Importance of dietary adherence

- Phosphorus-to-protein ratio of foods

- Appropriate food choice (E.g. Consuming foods with a low phosphorusā€“protein ratio, but with adequate amount of protein like meat, tofu, and seafood (in a specified and controlled amount); avoidance consumption foods with a high phosphorusā€“protein ratio like dairy products, egg, nuts, beans, and seeds; Consuming fresh unprocessed food instead of processed food

- Avoidance of phosphate additives (e.g. Consuming fresh unprocessed food instead of processed food)

- Training to prepare suitable meals (e.g. soaking foods in water and boiling to reduce the dietary phosphorus content per gram of protein in foods)


- Importance of phosphate binders and their role in lowering serum phosphorus concentrations

- Mode of action

Review of the contents of the previous session


Active participation in learning

Review of the contents by FCGs at home


Strengthening self-efficacy

Strengthening patientā€™s participation in care

Strengthening patientā€™s autonomy in care

Problem-solving method


The importance of autonomy and participation in self-care

Review of the contents of the previous session


Active participation in learning

Review of the contents by FCGs at home


Enhancing all aspects of empowerment through the review of previous contents, Q&A, and discussion

A summary of the contents provided

Solving a problem about controlling hyperphosphatemia that was given to HPs and FCGs in the previous session

  1. FCEP Family-centered empowerment program, HPs hemodialysis patients, FCGs Family caregivers