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Table 1 Baseline characteristics according to catheter dysfunction

From: Risk factors of hemodialysis catheter dysfunction in patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy: a retrospective study


No dysfunction (n = 388)

Dysfunction (n = 119)

Interventions in response to dysfunction

Switch of lumen (n = 82)

Catheter reposition (n = 6)

Re-catheterization (n = 31)

Age, yr, median [IQR]

66.0 [57.0–74.0]

69.0 [61.5–77.0]

69.0 [62.3–77.0]

72.5 [41.0–74.8]

68.0 [62.0–77.0]

Sex (F/M)






Weight, kg, mean ± SD

63.4 ± 14.1

62.6 ± 12.5

63.5 ± 12.5

59.4 ± 11.4

60.8 ± 12.8

Height, cm, mean ± SD

163.0 ± 8.8

162.1 ± 8.7

162.5 ± 8.6

160.6 ± 10.9

161.5 ± 8.9

Body mass index, kg/m2, mean ± SD

23.8 ± 4.5

23.8 ± 4.1

24.0 ± 4.0

22.9 ± 3.4

23.4 ± 4.6

Comorbidities, n (%)


219 (56%)

71 (60%)

48 (59%)

6 (100%)

17 (55%)

 Diabetes mellitus

166 (43%)

52 (44%)

37 (45%)

4 (67%)

11 (35%)


140 (36%)

45 (38%)

33 (40%)

2 (33%)

10 (32%)

 Atrial fibrillation

50 (13%)

13 (11%)

8 (9.8%)

0 (0%)

5 (16%)

 Myocardial infarction

71 (18%)

16 (13%)

14 (17%)

1 (17%)

1 (3.2%)


31 (8.0%)

12 (10%)

12 (15%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

 Chronic kidney disease

117 (30%)

39 (33%)

28 (34%)

1 (17%)

10 (32%)

 Intermittent hemodialysis

65 (17%)

24 (20%)

19 (23%)

1 (17%)

4 (13%)

 History of any thrombosis event

41 (11%)

8 (6.7%)

6 (7.3%)

1 (17%)

1 (3.2%)

APACHE II score, median [IQR]

31.0 [25.0–37.0]

33.0 [25.0–39.0]

32.0 [25.0–38.3]

33.0 [30.3–35.5]

33.5 [25.5–39.0]

Medications, n (%)


74 (19%)

17 (14%)

13 (16%)

0 (0%)

4 (13%)


76 (20%)

23 (19%)

17 (21%)

2 (33%)

4 (13%)

Vascular access, n (%)

 Catheterized vessel

  Right internal jugular vein

185 (48%)

45 (38%)

37 (45%)

4 (67%)

4 (13%)

  Left internal jugular vein

54 (14%)

19 (16%)

11 (13%)

0 (0%)

8 (26%)

  Femoral vein

149 (38%)

55 (46%)

34 (41%)

2 (33%)

19 (61%)

 Catheter tip location

  Superior vena cava

173 (45%)

49 (41%)

40 (49%)

3 (50%)

6 (19%)

  Right atrium

45 (12%)

7 (5.9%)

3 (3.7%)

1 (17%)

3 (10%)

  Left innominate vein

21 (5.4%)

9 (7.6%)

6 (7.3%)


3 (10%)

  Inferior vena cava

9 (2.3%)

2 (1.7%)

2 (2.4%)



  Iliac vein

140 (36%)

52 (44%)

31 (38%)

2 (33%)

19 (61%)

 Concurrent catheter in same access

171 (44%)

50 (42%)

40 (82%)

2 (33%)

8 (26%)

 Concurrent catheter tip

152 (39%)

45 (38%)

32 (39%)

2 (33%)

11 (35%)

CRRT variables

 Blood flow, L/min, mean ± SD

117.3 ± 23.7

118.0 ± 21.3

116.0 ± 16.7

127.5 ± 40.2

121.5 ± 26.8

 Circuit anticoagulation, n (%)

238 (61%)

81 (68%)

55 (67%)

4 (67%)

22 (71%)

Causes of CRRT

 End stage renal disease

72 (19%)

25 (21%)

18 (22%)

1 (17%)

6 (19%)


117 (30%)

44 (37%)

26 (32%)

3 (50%)

15 (48%)

 Nephrotoxic kidney injury

32 (8.2%)

9 (7.6%)

5 (6.1%)


4 (13%)

 Ischemic kidney injury

133 (34%)

34 (29%)

27 (33%)

2 (33%)

5 (16%)


34 (8.8%)

7 (5.9%)

6 (7.3%)


1 (3.2%)

Use of vasopressor, n (%)

294 (76%)

87 (73%)

58 (71%)

4 (67%)

25 (81%)

Platelet count, × 103/µL, mean ± SD

97.7 ± 72.2

88.2 ± 57.7

87.6 ± 55.8

110.2 ± 72.8

85.7 ± 60.8

Prothrombin time, INR, mean ± SD

1.8 ± 1.1

1.5 ± 0.6

1.5 ± 0.6

1.7 ± 0.3

1.6 ± 0.7

aPTT, sec, mean ± SD

52.9 ± 29.8

53.3 ± 41.7

55.5 ± 48.7

48.2 ± 24.6

48.6 ± 18.6

hs-CRP level, mg/dL, mean ± SD

12.3 ± 9.8

12.0 ± 9.3

11.6 ± 9.2

11.9 ± 7.7

13.0 ± 9.7

  1. Abbreviations: IQR interquartile range, SD standard deviation, APACHE acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, CRRT continuous renal replacement therapy, INR international normalized ratio, aPTT activated partial thromoplastin time, hs-CRP high sensitivity C-reactive protein