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Table 2 Univariable and multivariable logistics regression for the association of disability with tertiles of phase angle

From: Association between disability in activities of daily living and phase angle in hemodialysis patients

Phase angle

Disability in BADL

Disability in IADL

Univariable OR

Multivariable OR*

Univariable OR

Multivariable OR*


1.00 (Reference)

1.00 (Reference)

1.00 (Reference)

1.00 (Reference)


4.86 (1.35, 17.52),

P = 0.016

4.91 (1.17, 20.58),

P = 0.029

5.23 (2.23, 12.27),

P = 0.001

4.00 (1.45, 10.98),

P = 0.020


15.66 (4.53, 54.11),

P < 0.001

18.50 (3.89, 88.05),

P < 0.001

19.48 (8.07, 47.00),

P < 0.001

17.37 (5.19, 58.08),

P < 0.001

  1. *Adjusted for age, sex, history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus, BMI, dialysis vintage, smoking and drinking habits, hemoglobin, and serum albumin level. BADL, basic activities of daily living; IADL, instrumental activities of daily living; OR, odds ratio. Values within parentheses are the 95% confidential intervals