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Table 4 Relation between urinary podocyte stress marker levels and other outcome parameters

From: Urinary podocyte stress marker as a prognostic indicator for diabetic kidney disease


dialysis-free survivala

slope of eGFR decline b

podocin:nephrin ratio quartile

1.192 (0.911–1.558), p = 0.200

r=-0.224, p = 0.230

nephrin:AQP2 ratio quartile

1.308 (0.703–2.435), p = 0.397

r = 0.128, p = 0.535

podocin:AQP2 ratio quartile

1.003 (0.999–1.007), p = 0.122

r=-0.022, p = 0.917

  1. eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; AQP2, aquaporin-2
  2. aunadjusted hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) by univariate Cox analysis; bSpearman’s rank correlation coefficient