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Fig. 6 | BMC Nephrology

Fig. 6

From: ITGAM-mediated macrophages contribute to basement membrane damage in diabetic nephropathy and atherosclerosis

Fig. 6

Single-cell analysis of DN and AS samples. A A correlation analysis depicting the relationship between RNA quantity, the proportion of mitochondrial genes, and the total number of genes. B JackStrawPlot was used to assess the significance of the principal components. C ElbowPlot was utilized to determine the optimal number of principal components. D UMAP visualizing the distinct cell subpopulations within the DN sample. E Violin plot showcasing ITGAM expression levels across different cell subpopulations. F UMAP demonstrating ITGAM expression across different cell subpopulations. G The expression levels of ITGAM across various cell types in the kidney, as sourced from the Human Protein Atlas database. H UMAP of single-cell analysis visualizing cell subpopulations within the AS sample. I Violin plot of ITGAM expression levels in each cell subpopulation. J UMAP showing the expression of ITGAM in different cell subpopulations

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