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Table 1 Clinical presentation

From: Validation of IgA nephropathy diagnosis in the Swedish Renal Registry

Clinical features

n = 139

Age (years, median [range])

 Male (years, mean)

 Female (years, mean)

46 [18–85]



Sex (male:female n; %)



Heredity of kidney disease (n, %)

8/127 (6.3)

None for known IgAN

CKD (Chronic kidney disease) stage ≥ 3 (n; %)

80 (57.6)

Hypertension (Blood pressure, BP > 140 and/or > 80 mmHg or Antihypertensive medications) (n; %)

97 (69.8)

Malignant hypertension (BP > x/120 mmHg) (n; %)

5 (3.6)

Proteinuria (U-albumin/creatinine ratio, U-ACR > 3 g/mole) (n; %)

138 (99.3)

Hematuria (Positive dipstick or sediment) (n; %)

132 (94.7)

Nephrotic syndrome (n; %)

8 (5.8)

Purpura (n; %)

Cases classified as IgA Vasculitis

Age, years, median [range]

Creatinine (µmol/L; median [range])

eGFR (estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, mL/min/1.73m2; median [range])

19 (13.6)

18 (12.9)

50 [18–85]

86 [55–173]

77 [34–125]

Laboratory features


Creatinine (µmol/L; median [range])

123 [51-1331]

eGFR (mL/min/1.73m2; median [range])

51 [5-125]

CKD 1–2 (eGFR ≥ 60) (n; %)

59 (42.4)

CKD 3a (eGFR ≥ 45 and < 60) (n; %)

20 (14.4)

CKD 3b (eGFR ≥ 30 and < 45) (n; %)

33 (23.7)

CKD 4 (eGFR < 30) (n; %)

22 (15.8)

CKD 5 (eGFR < 15) (n; %)

5 (3.6)

Systolic BP (mmHg, mean ± SD)

133.3 (± 15.6)

Diastolic BP (mmHg, mean ± SD)

79.8 (± 9.9)

U-albumin/creatinine ratio (mean ± SD)

n; % U-ACR < 30 g/mole,

n; % U-ACR > 30 g/mole

135.2 (± 129.4)

28 (20.1)

111 (79.9)

Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies (n; %)

1/114 (0.9) *

Antinuclear antibodies/anti-dsDNA (n; %)

8/98 (8.2)

All anti-dsDNA negative

Serum/Urine electrophoresis with monoclonality (n; %)

1/114 (0.9) **

HIV (n; %)

0/90 (0.0)

Viral Hepatitis (n; %) [B/C]

2/94 (2.1) [1/1]

Complications post-biopsy

13/139 (9.4)

Symptomatic hematoma (pain)


Macroscopic hematuria


Severe complications


  1. *Case classified as Not IgAN, **IgG 0.5gr/L, No Bence-Jones proteinuria