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Table 4 Univariate and multivariate linear regression analyses of modifiable clinical variables in predicting urine albumin/creatinine ratio ‡ in patients with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes

From: Determinants of early chronic kidney disease in patients with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus: a retrospective study from the Taiwan Diabetes Registry


Univariate analysis

P value

Multivariate analysis

P value

β (95% confident interval)

β (95% confident interval)

BW (per 10 kg)

-0.010 (-0.029, 0.009)




WC (per 10 cm)

0.022 (-0.005, 0.049)




Systolic BP (per 10 mmHg)

0.085 (0.067, 0.102)

< 0.001

0.082 (0.061, 0.104)

< 0.001*

Diastolic BP (per 10 mmHg)

0.070 (0.045, 0.096)

< 0.001

-0.014 (-0.046, 0.018)


Fasting glucose (mmol/L)

0.021 (0.013, 0.029)

< 0.001

0.018 (0.009, 0.027)

< 0.001*

HbA1c (%)

0.007 (0.001, 0.014)


0.003 (-0.004, 0.009)


TC (mmol/L)

0.030 (0.005, 0.055)


-0.013 (-0.040, 0.014)


Log TG

0.305 (0.194, 0.417)

< 0.001

0.241 (0.116, 0.366)

< 0.001*

LDL-C (mmol/L)

0.015 (-0.016, 0.0047)




eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m [2])

-0.002 (-0.003, -0.001)

< 0.001

-0.002 (-0.003, -0.001)

< 0.001*


R2 = 0.069

< 0.001*

  1. CKD, chronic kidney disease; BW, body weight; WC, waist circumference; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; TC, total cholesterol; TG, total triglyceride; Log, log transformation; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; Cr, creatinine; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; UACR, urine albumin/creatinine ratio
  2. ‡ after log transformation